The World’s First & ONLY...
By Jake Zweig
“Everybody wants to be a Navy SEAL...
Until it’s time to do what REAL frogmen do!
Hi I’m Jake,
If your dream is to become a Navy SEAL, then this will be the most important message you’ll come across.
Passing BUD/S training comes down to two things...
Wanting it as bad as you want to breathe (I can’t help you there)
Being 1,000% prepared — both mentally and physically.
There’s a reason why BUD/S has close to an 80% attrition rate...
You either:
Didn’t want it bad enough...
Or you weren’t prepared enough!
I built this masterclass to give you the same advantage as my personal one-on-one mentees…
Many of whom I coached to getting their Trident…
All the way to becoming the elite of the elite in the SEAL teams!
Because the only person qualified to help you prepare…
Is someone who’s been there, done that.
And there ain’t many.
This masterclass is for you ONLY if:
You want the REAL inside scoop of what it actually takes to win at BUD/S...
You want to be prepared for every aspect of SEAL training (from Week 1 to Week 24)
You want to know exactly what you need to be doing day by day to achieve your Trident
You want to be supported by a SEAL mentor on speed dial who helps you overcome any problems
In this exclusive masterclass, you’ll be equipped with everything you need to know to become a Navy SEAL:
This is where your journey begins. Every lesson could make the difference between you passing and failing. This set of lessons is meant to lay the bedrock foundation upon which we will build a Navy SEAL. These classes prepare you mentally to function in the high-stress environment called “Basic Underwater Demolition School” (BUD/S). LET’S GO!!!!!
THE PST (Physical Screening Test)
Running fast and swimming fast are the keys to this part of the class. More people get removed from training for failing to achieve run and swim times than any other factor. You have to join the Navy running and swimming even faster because basic and BUD/S will make you slower. Do not make the mistake of believing that they will get you to increase your speeds. Let’s start Training!!!!!
Phase 1 will cover everything you need once you get to Coronado, California. The pre-set, “Ramp Up” and “1st Phase” are where we are going to make a name for ourselves by running and swimming fast and operating like true professionals. We will cover everything you will need to know from “how to take a muster” to “drown proofing” to the “50-meter swim.” And of course, we will get you prepared for the amazing experience called “HELL WEEK.
2nd Phase
This phase of training requires you to give everything you’ve got to preparations and your dive procedures. We will walk you through the preparation for every test. Pool comp is easy when you attack it as we do. LET’S GO!!!!!
3rd Phase
GUNS, LAND NAVIGATION, THE ISLAND, and SAFETY VIOLATIONS - We never lose sight of the goal or the preparation needed to be successful. If you have made it this far, then you have a great handle on how to prepare. You have to attack each test and each day like you are playing in the SUPER BOWL tomorrow. LET’S GO!!!!!
SQT (SEAL Qualification Training) Post BUD/S
In this phase of training, you have to give everything you’ve got to PERSONAL PREPARATION & MOTIVATION. We will walk you through the preparation for every evaluation and point out the potentially HUGE PITFALLS. 10% - 20% of the participants DO NOT pass this part of the training; you are still being evaluated every day! LET’S GO!!!!!
Choose Your Masterclass Package
See What It Takes
✅ Pretraining: 12 videos
✅ PST (Physical Screening Test): 13 videos
1st Phase: 19 videos
2nd Phase
3rd Phase
SQT Post BUD/s
Fully Committed
✅ Pretraining: 12 videos
✅ PST: 13 videos
✅ 1st Phase: 19 videos
✅ 2nd Phase: 5 videos
✅ 3rd Phase: 11 videos
✅ SQT Post BUD/s: 10 videos
“Ten years ago, I was trying to become a SEAL. I was a Division 1 All-American athlete with all the answers and I got put in contact with Jake. At first, I thought “this guy is out of his mind.” I unsuccessfully tried to do things my own way a couple of times. After refusing to listen to him on drownproofing, I failed and got rolled. When I called Jake, he told me exactly what I needed to do and, after an ass-ripping, I started swimming intervals five days a week after a full day of training in PTRR and all day Saturdays and Sundays. I classed back up, passed drownproofing, and started to fully listen to everything he told me. I applied EVERYTHING he told me from that point on. Now, after more than nine years in the teams, I understand he was not preparing me to be successful at BUD/S; he was preparing me to be a combat Navy SEAL where there are no rules to winning.”
F. H. LCDR U.S. Navy
“I helped Jake make this course based on every conversation we had over the last two and a half years. I didn’t always like his advice, but it always worked. I walked through BUD/S. Now it was not easy, but I was prepared for everything, and it really gave me the confidence to have NO FEAR.“
J. S. New guy SEAL Team 3 2020
Got Questions?
Whether via Zoom, in person, or any way we can communicate, you ask the questions, and I give you my answers. I’ve covered everything from how to talk to recruiters to completing SEAL Officer Assessment and Selection (SOAS) and becoming an officer. Now, I’m sending you over to my YouTube Channel, so make sure you hit SUBSCRIBE…